CFI Holding


CFI Group owns the licenses and technologies for chemicals and fertilizers which has been successfully applied in many production plants manufacturing a wide range of products. CFI Group specializes in the following technologies.

Process LICENSE & Technology

Neutralization / Reaction

The main reactions occurring in a fertilizer plant are the neutralizations of ammonia with acids (nitric acid, sulfuric acid or phosphoric acid). For some application, these acids can react with ores such as magnesium oxide or calcium carbonate.

Pressurised neutralizer

It operates at higher pressure. Process steam generated can be used as a heating medium.

Used for ANSOL synthesis

Atmospheric neutralizer

It operates at atmospheric pressure, and can be equipped with agitator.

Used for solutions of AN, CN, MgN, AS

Pipe reactor

It can be used for in-situ synthesis of slurries in the granulator.

Used for slurries of MAP, DAP, AS


Concentration is mainly done for removing water (generally coming from nitric acid or water creation during reaction) inside the solution and get the required concentration for the next step (granulation, prilling, direct selling, etc.)

Falling film evaporator

The heating medium can be steam or process steam.

Used for AN, CN

Air swept concentrator

The medium is pre-heated air.

Used for melt of AN


Granulation represents all the techniques used for the formation of granules. It could be by accretion, crushing or agglomeration. Granules have generally a high hardness

Steam granulator

Steam is used as a binder. It offers higher distribution uniformity and better thermal balance.

Used for granules of NPK, AS, SSP, TSP

Chemical granulator

The reaction takes place in pipe reactor or bed of granulator. The slurry thus produced works as the binder.

Used for granules of NPK, MAP, DAP

Pan granulator

Granulation is done through agitation agglomeration.

Used for granules of NPK, CN. CAN

Fluidized rotary granulator

It involves suspending particles in air stream and spraying a slurry from the top onto the fluidized bed.

Used for granules of AN, CN, SRF


The fluidized bed is created by hot air stream which creates the granulation and drying process.

Used for granules of NPK, ASN, CAN


Prilling is the solidification of a melt (liquid droplets) into prills. The solidification is done in a tower by counter-current cold air.

Prilling tower

Air is heated and blown up the center shaft of the tower. As the slurry falls down the shaft, it dries and solidifies to form prills.

Used for prills of LDAN, HDAN, CN, CAN, NPK, sulfur, urea


Crystallization is the best way to obtain purified products. The kind of crystallizer is often linked to the required crystal size.

Draft Tube Baffles

It used in the production of large-size crystalline materials and has superior control over crystal size and characteristics.

Used for crystals of AN, CN, AS, urea, MAP, DAP, MKP, DKP, TKP

Forced circulation

It is used where high rates of evaporation are required, scaling compounds, inverted solubility solutions and solution is of relatively high viscosity.

Used for crystals of AN, CN, AS, urea, MAP, DAP, MKP, DKP, TKP


It is also known as growth crystallizer and used for the production of large, coarse crystals

Used for crystals of AN, CN, AS, urea, MAP, DAP, MKP, DKP, TKP

Dry crystallation

The “dry crystallization” consist in a pipe reactor installed at the top of a prilling tower. Inside the pipe ammonia and acids are mixed to form crystals. Crystals size depends on residence time in the pipe which is adjustable. This technology can provide very small crystals.

Used for AS, MAP, DAP.


The conditioning represent the drying and cooling of a solid product without damaging it. In most of the cases, air is used as drying or colling medium.

Drums (dryer and cooler)

The most common way for drying and cooling prills, granules and crystals.

Used for any types of prills, granules and crystals.

Fluidized bed dryer-cooler

Less compact than drums with fewer dust entrainment. Higher energy consumption.

Used for any types of prills and granules.

Dryer drum + Fluidized bed cooler

Allows air recirculation from fluidized bed to dryer: less air released through stack.

Used for any types of prills and granules.


Coating is mandatory for hydroscopic products: without coating they cake during storage and transportation.


Prevent caking during storage and transportation.

List of anti-caking agents delivered by CFIh for each product.

Used for any types of prills and granules.


Mixing is often used as off-spec valorization. When mixed together, off-spec products can give a specific formula usable by farmer at lower cost. It prevents the loss of valuable materials with very few equipment.

Liquid mixing

In a multi-production plant, excess of condensates or unsold products can be mixed to minimize the loss and beeing sold as liquid fertilizers.

Used for liquid fertilizer.

Solid Mixing (blending)

When reaction or granulation is not necessary for mixing nutrients, the solid mixing is used to blend various solid raw materials to produce the final product. In some case, solid off-specs can be valorized by blending them with final product.

Used for NPK granules, WSF and liquid fertilizer.


Today, environmental norms are guiding the way of operating industries. CFIh technology can comply with all the norms around the world for the release of air and condensates.

Scrubbing (air treatment)

A scrubber is a device in which acidic water is sprayed on dusty air to catch ammonia fume and dissolve as much as possible solid dust.

Depending on the impurities (ammonia, silicates, sulfur, etc.) the washing solution and the number of scrubbers may change..

Used for any types of chemical and fertilizer plants.

Process condensates treatment unit

In all the plants where process steam is created, process condensates are released. CFIh technology allow the treatment of these condensates through evaporators. The clean condensates are released in the environment, the concentrated solution is recycled in the process.

Number of effects of PCTU depends on the quantity of process condensates to treat and on the price of the available steam.

Used for AN plants.